Edward Jones-Wayne Pratt

  • Banking & Financial Services
1419 Washington St
Vicksburg, MS 39180
(888) 803-7698
888-442-4997 (fax)
Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm.
Friday 8am-4:00pm
  • About

    At Edward Jones, we believe in doing business face to face. We want to get to know your unique financial objectives so we can develop a strategy to help you achieve your long-term financial goals.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Lorraine Harrison
      Branch Office Administrator
      Phone: (601) 619-0204
      Fax: 888-442-4997
    • Wayne Pratt
      Financial Advisor
      Phone: (601) 619-0204
      Fax: (888) 442-4997
  • Directions

    Located at 1419 Washington Street between The Valley Apartments and Michel's Music Store.