Levee Street Marketplace

  • Antiques & Thrift Shops
1001 Levee Street
Vicksburg, MS 39183
(601) 638-7191
(601) 638-7191 (fax)
Monday - Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
1st & 3rd Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 P.M.

About Us

Marketplace showcasing Antiques, Arts, Jewelry, Vintage,
Homemade treasures, Souvenirs, Collegiate headquarters
Clothing Palette Boutique & Dixie Belle Chalk Paint dealer
Vendor Mall & more!
  • About

    Marketplace showcasing Antiques, Arts, Jewelry, Vintage,
    Homemade treasures, Souvenirs, Collegiate headquarters
    Clothing Palette Boutique & Dixie Belle Chalk Paint dealer
    Vendor Mall & more!

  • Media

  • Directions

    West Clay St to Levee Street (North end) between the Old Depot Museum & Lower Ms River Museum on Catfish Row by the Yazoo Canal Riverfront. North Washington St left to Levee St on Catfish Row.